Benefits of ERP for Manufacturing industry

Benefits of ERP for Manufacturing industry

Initially, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution was developed for the big organizations. It has also involved huge investment which was out of reach of small and medium sized industries (SMEs). However considering the benefits the ERP solutions have, the smaller organizations also explored the way to implemented it.

This attitude has paved the way for many locally made ERP solution providers entering the market with very effective applications which have turned to be ideal for small and medium sized companies. As the local ERP vendors were targeting the SMEs, they also kept the price tag in mind, which ultimately resulted in existence of some effective and affordable ERP products in the market.

Manufacturing was one of the sectors that have benefited most from ERP solution. It was due to timely ERP implementation. Other sectors also followed suit. Today, all industry segments are taking advantage of ERP solution and it is becoming a necessity rather than a luxury to have ERP implemented in an organization for its successful business operation.

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Before the evolution of ERP, manufacturing sector were running on manufacturing resource planning system. The manufacturing resource planning included all the sources in relation to the manufacturing such as material, human resource, equipment and finances. When the competitive strategy changed from low price and great variety to speed, ERP found the right place to give profit to this new strategy.

Contrary to the other applications, the ERP system connects to all the offices of a group of business throughout the entire world. ERP system allows the organizations to design products with the entrance of engineers all over the globe, installing factories in various areas to produce pieces and components for many countries, and the information of all the parties involved.

ERP offers solution that enables manufacturers to compete in the prevailing market atmosphere. It has the capacity of both finite and infinite planning capabilities which assist manufacturers to develop original schedule. ERP solution can also transform the supply chain to achieve production plan with sales plan, manufacturing, finance and customers.

ERP is changing the competitive landscape for SMB manufacturers. Small to midsize manufacturing companies can benefit from a fully integrated solution designed to reduce costs, improve customer service, increase margins and generate new revenue streams. Further, SMB manufacturers can improve business performance with a deeply functional, yet easily affordable, ERP solution. As the technology changed ERP solution also found its way to the web. Today web-enabled ERP solutions are the most effective solution available in the market.

What is to be cautious about the selection of an ERP system is, before you commit to any ERP system, you should first evaluate the system such as what your organization needs and wants to accomplish with its ERP strategy. The outcome of this evaluation will help you determine which applications and what kind of functionality your organization requires as well as go a long way toward easing the implementation.

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Live demo of ERP gives you a real picture

Benefits of Live demo of ERP Software Solution

The real picture of a proposed ERP product can become clear when the live demonstration of the product is given. The sincerity of the solution providers and efficiency of the product becomes evident in the live demonstration. The demo also makes it possible for both the parties to propose feasible modifications in the package. The credibility of the system can also be scrutinized here. Moreover, it acts as a cross check for the functionalities offered by the developers in the compliance of the product.

The top management and all the other people connected to an organization must realize that whatever be the reason for the changeover to an ERP system, i.e. technical or strategic, it is impossible to separate them, since they affect each other.

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Live demo of ERP is a better tool to understand the various integration/touch points and the participants could experience the different functionalities as well as they can also check for any shortcomings in the system which can be rectified as per their requirement.

It is usually better to get a brief about the product before seeing the demo, which can be obtained through the website of its developers. The time and method of the demo could be finalized by the demonstrator and let set their own sequence. Any doubts about the product can also be cleared in the demo stage. Demo scripts in the form of brochure or function details through the website are a better tool to present the demo as there is uniformity in the flow of the demo and the various integration/touch points among the different functionalities can be checked.

The workflow becomes clear during the demo, and users can have a feel of the proposed product at the demo itself. This will determine the acceptability of the product in the minds of the customer. The quality of the product also becomes clear at this stage.

Based upon the markings obtained in all the above-mentioned points, those products that cross the threshold mark get qualified to be evaluated. Before finalizing one more important point to be considered is the cost factor. Though all the products have its own price line, all developers may be willing to for a negotiation considering the competitive mindset existing in the market today. However, some developers of the product won’t alter the price tag, majority of them will agree to some climb down.

Once it has been agreed on technical and the terms and conditions in the financial front, a suitable product can be finally selected for the ERP implementation.

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Evaluation of ERP software is the first step

Evaluation of ERP software

Lot of articles have been written about preparation, planning and implementation of ERP project. Which organization needs an enterprise resource planning solution (ERP) and at which stage is to be discussed.

Every organization which is planning to implement an ERP solution must perform an honest and thorough assessment of business needs and alternatives. This is an important factor of taking ownership in the ERP or any alternative solutions.

Though there are plenty of good reasons to implement ERP including many “no brainers”, in most organizations the decision is not so obvious and one must objectively evaluate the validity of the proposed business case and timing,

Therefore, businessmen must ask these questions before spending on ERP to bring some sanity to the decision-making process :

  •  Are the business and technical strategies that integrated in the new ERP system compatible with your business?
  • What is the real problem you have with your existing software or your business processes?
  •  Would an ERP project be one of the top two priorities within the organization given other internal and external projects, initiatives, or probable events?
  •  The claims of the new ERP system actually result in better decision-making or make lousy managers more effective?
  •  Does anyone understand the data or capabilities of the current software?
  •  Can the new ERP system bring result-oriented performance so that the existing application which seems to be working fine could be discarded?
  •  Is the current application software gives you a sleepless nights?
  •  Is the current software is too old to be customized and no not supported by any vendor?
  •  Can a few purchased (and integrated) “bolt-on” applications do the trick vs. buying an entirely new package?
  •  Should a limited pilot project to be deployed to check the efficiency of the software before going to the full fledged implementation of new ERP system?
  •  Are the proposed operational benefits and cost savings of new ERP system authentic?
  •  Should all the implementation and support cost in the ROI be considered?

It is advisable to hire independent business consultant to analyze the situation comprehensively. A need assessment is the first step which will be followed by the ERP readiness assessment, which are two different things. So think right and act right. No doubt, success will follow you.

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Make your business process more efficient

Make your business process more efficient

Organizations must realize that after the implementation of an effective ERP system all of its process becomes more efficient. ERP system will help all the major decision making including retaining a client. However, the organization that plans to implement an ERP system must be well prepare to integrate the system effectively.

Organizations are advised to seek the help of an external consultant to find out how suitable is the organization when it comes to working with an ERP system. The external consultants are capable of evaluating and they identify the effective needs of the moment.

It is a good idea if the decision about an ERP project could be carried out by a team of professionals from both internal and external for a more adequate design. This is because the main aim is not just about purchasing software, but to order all the pieces to match with it. In most cases some internal processes need to be redesigned before implementing an ERP. In addition to this, software is often modified to fit the ERP according to the enterprise objectives and activities. The combination must be as perfect as possible.

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In spite of its benefits one of the most important factor to be remembered is that ERP is not a just another software application in your organization. The system involves every internal process and must be preceded by a reevaluation of every section together with its functions. It is also important to note that an ERP will not change the management functioning on its own. You must keep in mind that it is an important and decisive tool, but in order to obtain a correct development you will have to decide carefully who is going to command it, as well as the way in which the data will be saved and how information will flow.

Just implementing an ERP solution alone won’t help the organization make any success. Though the effectiveness of an ERP system could be measured by the improvement in the ROI, the goal of measurement is not to measure; rather, it is to improve performance and processes are the point at which this can be best accomplished.

A well-performed ERP system can be maintained till about 15-20 years. In the later stages the package will have old architecture. It will become very difficult to make changes in the program code without inflicting hazardous damage to the system’s stability. It is possible to give older systems a ‘facelift’ with modern tools. Though those ‘facelift’ can extend the life cycle of the package for some years, they will certainly speed up the appearance of the useless codes.

If your ERP system is under-performing, it is better to go for an overhaul of the system. There are numerous efficient ERP systems available in the market. Do the right evaluation as per your requirement and implement a suitable ERP system that could take your business success to new heights. As the saying goes – “It is better late than never”.

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ERP is an essential application for business growth

ERP Application for Business Growth

The latest reports shows that majority of the midsize organizations are using ERP to support a variety of business issues, including globalization, lean manufacturing, conducting e-business, consolidation, shared services, collaborating with suppliers and meeting the requirements of new customers.

Further studies reveal that very few midsize companies that don’t already have an ERP implemented are facing numerous problems in their production and sales departments. For those businesses, the reasons to take a leap into ERP, which is largely considered necessary infrastructure for midsize companies, are many and compelling. Many midsize companies cited the availability of low-cost options; pressure from the parent company, suppliers or customers; “explosive” growth; compliance with regulatory requirements; and a “disastrous event” as factors convincing them of the value of ERP.

Just implementing an ERP system alone wont’ do any miracles. To get the most benefits from an ERP application, an organization has to use it to its fullest capabilities. But surprisingly this is not happening with every case. Considering the expense of acquiring and deploying an ERP package, in most of the cases it is being underutilized. As per the available survey reports from the market, the average midsize company uses only about 11 out of 24 generic ERP modules, or approximately 72 percent of the available functionality.

Today the ERP market is sufficiently occupied with some effective and efficient ERP products apart from the more popular Oracle and SAP, that are dominating the market among large global companies. But it’s not an easy fight – several vendors that cater to the midmarket are entrenched, including Infor, Lawson Software, Epicor Software, QAD, Sage Software and Microsoft apart many others.

On the other hand some of underplaying midmarket ERP vendors offers their business-management applications on a modular basis, so they usually can be deployed individually and integrated as more ERP modules are phased in.

What is more important is the investment in ERP solution which should be planned efficiently. ERP is somewhat expensive, and the cost is highly variable depending on the organization. Company size, number of ERP users, the depth and breadth of purchased functionality, and the business benefits gained from the ERP deployment all contribute to the TCO (total cost of ownership) of an ERP package.

As midmarket companies extend their reach into markets around the world, they require increasingly sophisticated systems to support and run their business. With ERP, they can use enterprise-grade technology as a competitive weapon, managing costs, introducing efficiencies throughout the supply chain and manufacturing processes, and streamlining and automating business processes across the organization. For some companies, ERP can mean the difference between success and failure.

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Selection of right ERP holds key to success

ERP Selection

How to select the ERP brand perhaps becomes difficult today. Most of the time budget was the main criteria for elimination round and then companies used to see the live customer list of ERP vendor. We can very well say that the ERP buying decision is like any other procurement decision.

For example, when a buyer purchases bearing, normally he analyzes quality, cost, service and response time to choose the particular vendor. All these parameters were applied in ERP buying also. In fact, a few ERP vendors have come up with industry specific solutions, which, in the true sense, Is more of a marketing strategy than an operations specificity. Secondly, because of the very competitive environment and market saturation, ERP vendors have decreased their prices and hence the SME segment is also aspiring for such world-class solutions.

While selecting the ERP brand, the focus should be the availability of the best practices or the world-class practices in the software. If we examine closely, we find various ERP products are strong in various functional modules. This strength could be in terms of availability of various planning opinions, tight control on orphan processes, excellent functions flow, easy and user-friendly reporting, graphical presentation, automatic routing through world-class valued added processes.

The problem is how to know which ERP is strong where and how that will synergize the client’s business results. To solve the first question, to some extent, we can refer literature in the form of reports and articles. The commercial presentation of the ERP vendor and later discussions may help further. The commercial presentation of ERP vendor and later discussions may help further.

The main question is which strength one should look for. This problem has to be handled with a detailed case study of the organization. From the strategic point of view, the organization has to understand the vital processes for the revenue impact as well as the bottom-line. Thus efforts should be directed to find the thrust area with proper reasoning. Accordingly, one can match the requirement with the strengths of ERP to proceed further. It is also observed that some clients go for multiple ERP products to get equipped with all the strengths available.

ERP packages have different architectures, concepts and sets of functionality and they are designed to address a variety of user requirement. The marketing literature from ERP vendors will no doubt give the impression that their tool is just as good as any other. Such literature is valuable for giving the reader an overview of functionality and a glimpse at the differentiator for that vendor’s offering. But, if you compare the literature or listen to a vendor’s presentation, it would be very difficult to evaluate which package is the best or which would be most suitable for your organization.

So if you go by what is written in the product brochure or what the salespeople say, you will find it very difficult to make a decision and might end up with the wrong choice. So ERP package selection is something that should be done on a systematic and scientific manner.

While studying the history of ERP packages and finds out how each package evolved, it becomes evident that every ERP package grew out of the experience or opportunity of a group of people working in a specific business who created systems that could deal with certain business segments. It is generally accepted that most ERP packages are stronger in certain areas than in others and each one is trying hard to add functionality in areas where they have been lacking.

So after the decision to go for an ERP package is taken, the company needs to develop the ERP selection criteria that will permit evaluation of all the available packages on the same scale. To choose the best system, the company should identify the system that meets the business needs, matches the business profile and identifies with the business practices of the company. It is impossible to get a system that will perform, exactly as the company does business, but the aim should be to get the system that has the least number of differences.

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Success factors of an ERP implementation

Organizations must understand and study key success factors of an ERP Software before Implementation, as it is a major investment and commitment for any organizations. The size and complexity of ERP projects are the major factors that impact the cost of ERP implementations. Different companies may implement the same ERP software in total different approaches and the same company may integrate different ERP software applications by following the same procedures. However, there are factors common to the success or failure of ERP implementation regardless of the ERP systems they implement and the methodologies they use.


  • Project Planning

    ERP implementation starts with project planning – setting project goals, identifying high-level business requirements, establishing project teams and estimating the project costs. Project planning offers the opportunity to re-evaluate the project in great details. If the ERP project is not justified at the planning phase, organization should not hesitate to cancel the project. For every successful ERP project there are projects that are cancelled before implementation.

  • Align the organization on the true destination

    You should make sure that everyone in the organization has the same vision about the original motivations for implementation ERP-enabled processes: what the targeted capabilities were, as well as the targeted benefits. Only then can an organization really know how close its ERP program is to being complete. This alignment needs special focus on people: communicating, expectations, education, and top management support.

  • Architectural Design

    While high-level architectural decision is made in the process of ERP vendor selection, it remains a crucial successful factor in integrating ERP with other eBusiness applications, e-commerce applications or legacy systems. Choice of middleware interface software or programming languages drastically impact the implementation cost and release date.

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  • Transition project roles to a way of life

    Information technology people, ERP expert, process expert, site leaders, the project manager and the steering committee – going live can involve hundreds of people, in dozens of roles. But at go-live, once the program is operational, the way roles change and the way such change is orchestrated can be an even larger undertaking. Companies successful in the post-implementation phase are simply better at mobilizing and guiding such efforts. They are also better at preparing people for the critical shift, moving from being team members to champions.

  • Data Requirements

    Unlike in-house e-Business applications, much of the packaged ERP implementation involves the integration of ERP systems with existing eBusiness software (CRM, SCM and SFA) and legacy information systems. Appropriate level of data requirements is critical for an ERP to interact with other applications. Data requirements usually reflect details of business requirements. It costs ten times to correct a mistake at later phase of ERP implementation than the effort to correctly define requirements at analysis and design phase.

  • Apply planning and program management practices throughout the program life cycle

    If there is one thing that companies should master by the time they go-live, it is program management and planning. Companies that will succeed are those that accept the fact that if they are to achieve their benefits, the operation and maintenance phase demands at least as much planning as the implementation phase did.

  • Achieve balanced people, progress and technology chances across all areas

    Companies undertaking the ERP journey must make changes and take action in all areas of the modern enterprise. They need the best-of-breed technology tools, the most effective work processes using world-class practices and people who are trained and motivated. They will also need strategies that fully leverage these new organizational abilities. Far from being a one-dimensional project, the ERP journey must keep change in play and in balance, in all these areas – a fact that successful companies never forget.

  • ERP must be driven by business case

    In other words, the work must be directed toward improving specific business metrics: improved cash flow, faster hiring, reduced costs and accelerated shipments. Both line and IT managers must identify the processes that need improvement. Focusing on business process improvement is the only way to know whether you have got your money’s worth.

  • Active executive direction

    Executive direction in this case means more than just oversight or support. People do not adapt to doing work in new ways without some inspiration from the top. ERP systems are huge, influencing thousands of people, processes, practices and policies. There are thousands of decisions to be made – both large and small. Someone at the top of the organization has to make the call.

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  • Focus on capabilities and benefits, not just going live

    The ERP implementation was initiated because of its benefits. So it will not matter much if a schedule is missed by a few days or even weeks. However, if you miss out on an expected feature or benefit, then it is going to hurt. So make sure that all the features that were planned are implemented.

  • Make ERP-related decisions quickly

    How about a rule that all decisions must be made within three days? This may seem arbitrary, but setting a fast and deliberate implementation pace is critical. Experience has shown that when an ERP project stretches more than 10-12 months, it is at risk – mostly because key team members move on.

  • Put the very best people on the implementation team

    The natural tendency is to staff projects with people who are the most available. But these people may not have the skills or process knowledge required to get the job done. This is complex stuff. An ERP project will require the best talent that you have. And if you assign only part-time talent, then work gets prolonged and the project is at risk. ERP work is not just a project. It is the beginning of a continuous improvement process. There are at least five years of benefits to get out of any ERP implementation.

Failure factors in ERP implementation

Having discussed about the success factors in the previous articles it is time to analyze on failure factors in ERP implementation.


  • ERP implementation is, at its core, a people project : The biggest challenge before and after implementation is not the technology; the biggest issues are related to people. At every stage, companies must work harder to manage change, secure buy-in, communicate with and educate their employees. Top human resources issues are related to changing management, training and internal staff adequacy.
  • Employee Resistance : If the employees are not educated and informed about the benefits of the ERP system and assured about the security of their jobs by the top management, they will start believing in the rumors that float around and will either resist or sabotage the ERP implementation.
  •  Lack of top management commitment : The top management should pledge and demonstrate that the ERP implementation has its full support. They should assure the employees about their jobs, clear any doubts and explain why the ERP system is a necessity for the organization. The CEO or some senior level manager should sponsor the ERP project in order to demonstrate the management commitment.
  •  Inadequate training and education : All users of the ERP system should be trained properly in using the system to its fullest. Different groups of people in the company will have different training needs. Managers need more focus on the decision-making and analysis features of the system, while the clerical staff need more focus on how to perform their jobs. But all the users must be trained in the ERP basics, overview of the system and its working, how an action by an employee triggers a host of events through the organization, how automation will help, what processes are changed and so on.
    When the employees do not understand what the new system is and what it is supposed to do and how to operate it, they will not use it or use it incorrectly. This can lead to failure of the system. Train process owners (department managers) in how to use the system. Have them train the users.

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  •  Inadequate requirements definition : If the requirements of the new system or what is expected from a new system are not adequately defined, then the implementation team will find it very difficult to plan the project. Only if the requirements are specified correctly, the ERP package that is best suited can be selected.
  •  Inadequate resources : ERP implementation is a complex, costly and lengthy project. The initial budgets are very often exceeded and there are still many hidden costs in an ERP implementation. So, while preparing the budget and allocating resources for the ERP implementation care should be taken to consider all the factors that could affect the costs, manpower requirements, infrastructure needs and then reserve a reasonable amount of buffer of buffer for any contingencies that might occur during implementation.
  • A poor fit between the software and users procedures : If the selected package is a poor fit then either the organization has to change its business processes or the package has to be customized to follow the organization’s processes. If the company’s processes are efficient and cannot be changed the only option is to customize. This is a time-consuming, costly and error-prone process. So while selecting the ERP package care should be taken to select a package that offers the best fit with the company processes.
  •  Unrealistic expectations of the benefits and the ROI : ERP systems are capable of producing dramatic productivity improvements if successfully implemented and properly operated. But expecting ERP to perform miracles will be asking for trouble. The management and employees should be made aware of the benefit so that there are no over expectations. If ERP is touted as a panacea, then there will be dissatisfaction and disappointment about it, which can lead to failure of the system.

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  •  Poor ERP package selection : If the right package – the one that is best suited for the company – is not selected, it will create a lot of problems for the implementations and customization teams as well as the end-users and will result in failure. Choosing an ERP package that is not suited for the company or one that will require huge amounts of customization is one of the major factors that contribute to the failure of the ERP project. So the package selected should be one that addresses the basic business functions of the organization.
  •  Extensive customization : Be prepared for people to argue that they need to customize a report or tell you that your new software does not accommodate the way your company pays invoices. However, you should always challenge those arguments aggressively. Most companies can live with standard business processes. When you over-customize an ERP installation, you not only add time and costs, you also make installing the next release of the ERP software increasingly difficult and costly.
  • Change management : Long and expensive customization efforts often result in the lapse of the release deadline and budget overrun. Customizations make the software more fragile and harder to maintain when it finally goes to production. Major changes may be required in the later stage of the implementation as a result of incomplete requirements and power struggles within organizations.
  •  Failure of accommodating evolution of business processes : Business process fall into three levels – strategic planning, management control and operational control. Organizations continuously re-align their business processes at all levels in response to the ever-changing market environment. Many ERP systems are not flexible enough to accommodate evolution of business processes. An ERP system that worked well last year may need major overhaul.

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Make the best use of consultants’ knowledge

Best Use of Consultant Knowledge

  • Implement pre-project readiness assessment and overall project planning: Most organizations have never been involved in a project as complex and cross-functional as an ERP implementation. Additionally, an ERP project requires near full-time participation. A readiness assessment conducted prior to the project kick-off can help identify areas of strength and potential problem areas in need of improvement. This information is extremely helpful when planning the project budget and the project tasks.
  • Implement aggressive project management processes: The magnitude of an ERP implementation requires aggressive and structured project management processes. An ERP implementation is complex and touches virtually everyone in the organization. Without the structure of project management processes and without a project manager who understands this methodology, the project runs significant risk in time, quality and costs. “Go-live” dates could be missed and the credibility of the project team and the ERP software itself could suffer dramatically.

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  • Create a project organization structure to provide planning and quick response for decision-making and issues management: The toughest problems with any project implementation involve people issues. Pre-project planning must include the creation of clearly defined roles and responsibilities. The following critical roles need to be filled by qualified people: project sponsor, project director and/or project manager, functional team leaders, technical team leaders, project coordinator/scheduler, etc. These people must have dedicated time to the project and they must be willing to be accountable for dealing with issues and making timely decisions. Many ERP implementations become paralyzed when issues are put on hold and are not dealt with quickly.
  • Make the best use of the external consultants and experts: These people are paid huge amounts of money for helping you in implementing the ERP system. So you must make the best use of their knowledge and skills and ensure that the knowledge transfer is complete before they leave the project.
  • Teach the organization to use new capabilities: The natural progression from building capabilities is actually using them. While this may sound obvious, many organizations are far better at building new capabilities than at teaching (and motivating) people to use them. Successful companies avoid this fundamental imbalance. For them teaching goes hand-in-hand with building new capabilities, from defining roles to developing skills to culture shifts.

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  • Implementation review: This review must be performed after users are competent with the system. The goal is to ask the software vendor to suggest better ways to use the system.
  • Assign clear ownership of benefits: During implementation, it is usually clear that the responsibility for going live-on-time and on budget-ultimately belongs to one person, the project leader. But after going live, who owns the benefits that are being targeted? In many companies, this is a difficult question to answer – no one is identified as the owner. But in successful companies accountability for results is no mystery. The owner may be the business unit leader, a project sponsor, a process owner or someone else. What is important is that there is somebody whose responsibility is realizing the benefits.

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